Thursday, August 20, 2009

California Homeowner's Insurance Rate -- Find Out How To Get Discounts

You will get low quotes and end up enjoying the cheapest California home owner's insurance rate possible for your profile if you know and implement a few things. I'll show several you have to do if you want considerable savings that won't put you and yours at risk...

1. You will pay lower premiums if you elect to pay your rates anually and not every month. A major reason for this is the cost an insurer incurs for sending you 12 bills instead of just one each year.

The cost shoots up if you include the fact that they pay transaction fees for processing each check you give them monthly as payment. 12 checks mean 12 transactions which incur 12 separate transaction charges. These and other charges so incurred by your insurance company are eventually paid by you, the insured..

Therefore opt for annual payments instead if you want to save this way. What you will save could be as high as 8.5% of your total monthly payments over the course of just a year.

2. You'll also enjoy a discount if you have motion-sensitive lighting for your home's exterior. Thieves naturally don't like to operate in any place they could be easily noticed or caught. Your California house insurance rate will be lower once you've reduced your home's risk of burglary through this kind of lighting.

3. Your building material can save you a great deal in premiums. For instance, brick houses are best in regions with high winds while frame houses are preferred in earthquake zones. As a result, having a frame home in the East will certainly cost you a lot more in home insurance. For folks who live in the West, they'll spend more if they own a brick home. Building with the proper material for your area will save you at least 5%.

4. Installing a sprinkler will get you reasonable discounts. The reason for this is that a sprinkler system works well in suppressing fires. Ask your agent what you will save by doing this before you try to install yours because they are quite expensive.

5. It's more expensive and very unnecessary to insure the land on which your home is standing. Those who ignorantly do this are paying a lot more than would do them any good. Insuring your home for the full price you bought it without deducting the cost of the land it stands on is a big mistake.

If you did this quickly meet with your agent and re-evaluate your coverage. Subtract the land's price and you will discover that you'll need far less coverage.

Your premium will be cheaper and you'll still have adequate coverage if you do this right. Bear it in mind that insuring the land your house is standing on is plain waste of money since it does give you any added advantage.

6. You will save much by visiting a minimum of five home insurance quotes sites. If you do this, you'll get the lowest quotes available since five sites will give not less than 25 quotes altogether.
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