Minimalist style of home design is essentially a response to the situation triggered by the people who adopts minimalism as a protest over the state of society who do not appreciate the natural resources with an all-out to exploit natural resources for the things that are not necessary in daily life days. Minimalism movement is a movement 'back to basic' or return to simplicity, this movement is said to arise in America is something that can be considered positive from a movement of modern times.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Minimalist style of home design
minimalist home design
Minimallist Home Design

The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects
The Modern Luxury Exterior and Interior Design Ideas of The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects
These are the pictures of Home Design of The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects.The Garren Residence in Bend, Oregon by PIQUE Architects can give you the good inspiration on modern home design that can become the idea in building, decorating, designing or remodeling your house.
The Garren Residence rests on a high desert prairie site and is a very low-slung building, with strong horizontal elements to visually tie the building to the landscape.
Three parallel axis walls orient the house toward prominent views and define outdoor rooms expanding the small footprint into the landscape. The structure features a central void that further integrates the exterior and interior. This void delivers natural light to the basement rooms as well as provides a private exterior gathering space in the center of the house. PIQUE Architects
Home Design
Modern Twofold House In Black Stained Wood With Natural Wood Between The Window Partitions
The Inspiration of best home house design from Modern Twofold House In Black Stained Wood With Natural Wood Between The Window Partitions
What a wonderful Home Architectural Design! These are the sample pictures of parts of Modern Twofold House In Black Stained Wood With Natural Wood Between The Window Partitions. The pictures show the beauty of the shape of this architectural building. The nuance of blue is chosen because this house is built near the sea Shore. The romantic situation is felt with the blue nuance of this home environment.
This twofold house is located on one of Bergen’s most attractive sites overlooking the southern fjords and the West coast archipelago. The main facade of the house faces south to the ocean while the balcony offers stunning views to the south and west. It’s a long thin shape with a balcony extruding 6m out of the house that rests on 3 steel poles. The house’s clad is a black stained wood with natural wood between the window partitions. The top floor is for the parents and the bottom for their two children that are university students. There is a small 35m2 guest studio on the bottom floor. The absence of any adjacent houses allowed the exclusive use of glass for exterior construction. Thanks to that the bathroom has beautiful views of surrounds. [Saunders Architecture]
Home Design
Indian Art Deco House Design – Marrakesh Residence by U+B Architects
The Charming exterior and Interior Design of Indian Art Deco House Design – Marrakesh Residence by U+B Architects - The Best Home Design Ideas of this Year
Enjoy the beauty of modern luxury home exterior and interior design with the best furniture of Indian Art Deco House Design – Marrakesh Residence by U+B Architects! This house design is really amazing. This home design can become the idea of how to design a house perfectly.
This residence was designed by U+B Architects in an Art Deco style deeply influenced by the traditions and environment of Marrakesh. The materials and colors link the house to the surrounding architecture and landscape while deep overhangs protect from the hot sun and provide generous outdoor living spaces. Thanks to the climate house’s painting is in contrast with green grass around it all year long. A lot of exterior’s and interior’s elements are exclusive craftsmanship by local artists. Decorative finishes of the home include: custom patterned and colored terrazzo floors, hand cut mosaic tile work and hand-wrought iron doors and handrails. [U+B Architects]
Even though the house’s design is quite typical for this Indian region it isn’t typical for u+b architects, which usually design contemporary homes.
Home Design
Affordable Homeowners Insurance -- How To Save A Lot Without Exposing Yourself To Risk
There are many ways open to everyone who wants affordable home insurance. But while many of them may save you some money, they could leave you with inadequate coverage. But in this article, I'll show you a few time-tested tips for paying less and at the same time maintain sufficient coverage. Here they are...
1.The amount you pay is influenced by your credit history. The poorer your credit rating, the higher the rates you attract. A bad credit rating implies that you have not been paying your bills promptly. No insurer is happy with this as it shows a behavior you are quite likely to repeat in the payment of rates. If you're seen as a likely defaulter, it makes you a higher risk and draws more expensive rates than otherwise.
So do all within your power to clear all your bills in a promptly. You will draw cheaper premiums if you do.
2.You may be spending a lot more if your's is a government homeowner's insurance policy. Natural disasters in certain areas made it very hard for people there to obtain home insurance coverage. Some folks in those regions had just one option: Government homeowner's insurance offered by a government agency. The case is really different now as private insurers are beginning catering for such places.
Many may still have little or no other way of getting home insurance coverage apart from a government homeowner's insurance. Nevertheless, this isn't generally the case as you may get better coverage at a cheaper price from some private insurance companies.
3.Smoking raises the risk of a fire in your home. With over 23,000 residential fires being as a result of smoking you will agree that it's actually a serious issue. You'll pay less on your home insurance policy if no member of your household smokes. If you stop smoking successfully for over 12 months, tell your agent and demand for a well-earned discount. Unless your insurance provider is one of the few that do NOT consider smoking as a factor in calculating your premium, leave if your premium is not reduced after this.
4.Shatter-proof windows will bring some savings. Therefore, change your old windows with these moreso if you live in places that are prone to high winds and hail storms. Always remember to brief your agent whenever you take a step like this. You can as well meet with your agent first before making the changes as he or she is in a better position to show you how to save the most.
5.Do you know all your home insurance policy excludes? They are things that the policy doesn't give you coverage for.
While getting lower premiums is interesting, it's only when the lower rates don't have you compromised. However cheap a policy is, its purpose is defeated if it doesn't give you sufficient coverage. Don't wait until you make a claim to discover that you actually did NOT have the coverage you intended.
6. You can get savings of hundreds of dollars on your home owner insurance policy by obtaining insurance quotes from quote sites. The best strategy is to visit at least five sites and ensuring that you give the same (correct) details. I recommend that you use at least five quotes sites because that will ensure you do not miss out better quotes not presented by the other sites. This offers you a broader basis for doing better comparisons thus increasing your chances of realizing more savings.
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An Occasional Hurricane Reminder
Northeastern Hurricanes On The Horizon: Saturday's New York Times had a story about hurricane preparedness that I want you to see. The paper reminds you that, while it has been a long time since the Northeastern US has suffered a significant hurricane, the potential exists during every hurricane season, and the time to prepare against loss is now. Home Inventory is, of course, a part of the solution.
You may live in a place that is safe from hurricane damage. (Tennessee remains unscathed! Tornadoes are another story.) However, regardless of where you live, your risk of loss exists. It may come through natural causes like tornado, hurricane, or lightning. It could come through man-made causes like electrical fires or theft. The fact is that you are at risk if you own personal property, and your insurance carrier has very long forms for you to complete when that time comes. Home inventory can give you back a year of your life, a year that you would otherwise spend haggling with your insurer.
A. J. Farley runs Farley Home Services, a home inventory service based in Middle Tennessee. Please visit, the company website, for more details.
A home inventory will help ensure that you have purchased enough insurance to replace your personal possessions. It can also speed the claims process and substantiate losses for income tax purposes. A detailed home inventory is also helpful should you need to apply for disaster aid.
You may live in a place that is safe from hurricane damage. (Tennessee remains unscathed! Tornadoes are another story.) However, regardless of where you live, your risk of loss exists. It may come through natural causes like tornado, hurricane, or lightning. It could come through man-made causes like electrical fires or theft. The fact is that you are at risk if you own personal property, and your insurance carrier has very long forms for you to complete when that time comes. Home inventory can give you back a year of your life, a year that you would otherwise spend haggling with your insurer.
A. J. Farley runs Farley Home Services, a home inventory service based in Middle Tennessee. Please visit, the company website, for more details.
Home Inventory,
New York Times,
iHouse 'Smart door' opens only after checking your fingerprint

All you have to do is place your finger on the scanner to release the door’s lock, and you can program other fingers for operating the lights, activating the AC, lifting the window blinds and lots more. Not only this, your smart door lock is endowed with a cool feature of storing the data, date and time of the last 64 accesses, thereby giving you the information on who entered the residence during that period. If somebody in your family doesn’t have the clearance to enter the house at a given time, he or she can remotely, by making a call, via PC or pocket PC unlock a gate. Its number pad also enables you to open the door, but for that you gotta know the password. Now, that’s a smart door!
door design
Cheaper California Home Owners Insurance Rates -- Great Ways To Pay A Lot Less
Anyone who implements the right tips will easily get cheaper California homeowners' insurance rates without sacrificing adequate coverage However, if you have the wrong advice, even though you may still save, it will be by compromising the level of coverage you get. If you need tips that you can use to save much and still maintain adequate coverage, read the following...
1. A fire-safe home exterior will help bring down your premiums. Do you have things that could likely aid combustion near your house? They will make you pay more. As simple as it looks, cutting back bushes and keeping them up to 10 feet from your building will help reduce your premiums. The risk of a fire in a house is one very strong factor that shapes your California home owner insurance premium.
2. You'll as well enjoy a discount if you have motion-sensitive lighting in your home. Your house becomes less attractive to thieves as they'll be noticed easily. Since thieves keep off from houses with such lighting, you reduce your home's risk of burglary and, consequently, your rates.
3. Having dead-bolt locks on all exterior door will lower your California homeowners insurance rate. It's more difficult for burglars to operate in homes that have these locks. And because a home's risk of burglary is a key determinant of California home insurance rates, you'll spend far less.
4. You can get savings of hundreds of dollars on your California homeowners insurance policy by requesting for insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. The best strategy is to visit at least five quotes sites and making sure that you input the same (correct) information about yourself. I recommend that you visit a minimum of five quotes sites because that will ensure you do not miss out better quotes not carried by the other sites. This gives you a broader basis for doing more thorough comparisons thus increasing your chances of getting more for less.
Get Home Insurance Quotes Now And Save!
Get Free NO-Obligation Home Insurance Quotes And Save Much!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Homeowners' Insurance -- 4 Smart Ways To Pay Less
Contrary to what you might have thought, it is a lot easy to get an affordable home owner insurance rate. You only need the right information and the determination to implement what you'll be taught to get a more affordable rate. Below are several things that will help you get to this goal...
1. Do not insure your house along with the land it is built on as this will cost you more but is needless. Those who ignorantly do this pay for more insurance than would do them any good. They just insure their house for its complete value without deducting the land's cost.
If you did such ignorantly, you'll have to review your home owner insurance coverage and go through it again with your agent. Lower your coverage to the worth of your house and its contents minus the cost of the land.
Doing this will lower your premiums considerably and still have enough home insurance coverage. Bear it in mind that insuring the land your house is standing on is plain waste of money because it does you no good whatsoever.
2. You'll spend more or less depending on your credit history. You'll attract higher home owner insurance rates if you have a low credit rating. A poor credit rating means that you've not been paying your bills in a timely fashion. An insurance company takes this to mean that you're financially irresponsible and will possibly default in paying your premiums. If you're seen as a potential defaulter, it makes you a higher risk and draws much higher rates than otherwise.
Therefore, it is a wise decision to pay all your bills once they are due. You will draw cheaper rates if you do.
3. Yearly premium payments will save you much when compared to monthly payments. This is because sending you 12 bills by mail each month costs your insurer a lot.
As if that was NOT enough expense, each check you send attracts its own transaction fees too. 12 checks mean Twelve transactions and will draw 12 separate fees.. And, if you really come to think of it, these extra overheads are ultimately built into your rates.
As a result, you will attract lower rates if you decide to pay your premiums anually. What you will save could be as much as 8.5% of your total monthly payments over the course of just a year.
4. Visit a minimum of five quotes sites. Visiting at least five quotes sites raise the chances that you would get more affordable home owner insurance quotes. This is because insurers not represented by one site will be covered by the other. Moreover, you should understand that since your chances of receiving lower home owner insurance quotes is tied to the number of quotes you obtain, the more insurance companies you obtain quotes from, the higher your chances will be. Requesting for your homeowners' insurance quotes online will help you save far more if you invest only 25 minutes to ask for quotes from at least 5 sites.
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Pictures of Girls Bedrooms Interior Design decoration Ideas by Halley Junior
Pictures of Girls Bedrooms Interior Design decoration Ideas by Halley Junior
Girls bedrooms design in this picture inspire us to redecorate and remodel the existing brdoorms.
One of the most pretty themes for girls bedroom is hearts. Different items with nice shape of heart could become a charming decorations of any girls room. If you also think so then you might like new Batticore collection by Italian company Halley Junior. This collection consists of beds with high curved headboards, wardrobes, sideboards, study desks and other furniture which can be useful in a kids room. The bed comes with a wonderful bedspread and cushions of different sizes and shapes. Almost all elements of this furniture are enriched by hearts and some of them are even made in heart’s shape. With such furniture you could create an awesome girls room designs amazing by tenderness and beauty. More information about these hearts themed bedrooms you could find on Halley junior site.
Bed Room Design
Caring for Furniture
tips on caring for your home furniture:
- Protect furniture from direct sun, as if often exposed to continuous heat
can cause bleaching of the lining of furniture. For exterior or garden furniture can be used
furniture protective layer (coating), but this does not close the possibility of bleaching layer
when exposed to heat continuously.
- Try to clean the surface of the furniture from dust that does not look dull.
- Do not use cleaners that contain silicone. Will leave a layer of silicon that is difficult to
- Change the position of furniture on a regular basis. It has to do with the sun so as not to cause
stripe on the furniture.
- Try to always use a mat / table cloth to avoid scratches layer table.
For the record, for the classic furniture if it looks dull, the better it looks.
- Protect furniture from direct sun, as if often exposed to continuous heat
can cause bleaching of the lining of furniture. For exterior or garden furniture can be used
furniture protective layer (coating), but this does not close the possibility of bleaching layer
when exposed to heat continuously.
- Try to clean the surface of the furniture from dust that does not look dull.
- Do not use cleaners that contain silicone. Will leave a layer of silicon that is difficult to
- Change the position of furniture on a regular basis. It has to do with the sun so as not to cause
stripe on the furniture.
- Try to always use a mat / table cloth to avoid scratches layer table.
For the record, for the classic furniture if it looks dull, the better it looks.
3d Eksterior Home Design
This residential project located in Madiun in East Java. We got a section for making 3d exterior house and to place this boarding. Front area (on the left picture) is a boarding residents parking on the right side while drawing a business space. The use of paint is dominated by white walls in most homes with a combination of gray old at the front. 2nd floor hallway to the house using an iron barrier with black holo.
In the process we chose atmosphere renderingnya afternoon to give the impression of "cool" on the home besides the use of exterior shade trees in the area of the road. Red car we use as a counterweight to the final color combinations to life.
In the process we chose atmosphere renderingnya afternoon to give the impression of "cool" on the home besides the use of exterior shade trees in the area of the road. Red car we use as a counterweight to the final color combinations to life.
ekserior home design
Bed Room
The bedroom is made of wood wrapped with melamine finishing doff, with a modern classic shades create an impression of warm and natural and elegant in your bedroom.
interior home design
Cheaper California Homeowners Insurance Quotes -- Ways To Save Much Without Lowering Your Coverage
There are many options open to everyone who wants affordable California homeowners' insurance. Nevertheless, a number of them could put you at risk. But in this article, I'll share several proven tips for paying less and at the same time maintain adequate coverage. Here they are...
1.Your credit rating has a big impact on what you pay. The lower your credit rating, the higher the premiums you will pay. A poor credit rating implies that you have not been paying your bills in a timely fashion. This is a behavior that most insurers believe will play out again in the way you treat your premiums. If you're seen as a potential defaulter, it makes you a higher risk and attracts much higher premiums than otherwise.
So do your best possible to pay all your bills in a promptly. It makes it easier for you to attract cheaper rates among other things.
2.Maintaining a government homeowner's insurance policy could be making you spend a lot more on your home insurance than you would private companies. It used to be extremely tough to get insurance providers if you live in certain high crime areas or places that were affected by certain natural disasters. The only solution for such people then was to go to a government agency that sold government homeowner's insurance. The case is really different now as private insurance companies are beginning to cater for such regions.
Yes, government homeowner's insurance may still be your only option depending on where you reside. But if your area is presently covered by some private insurers you could make considerable savings by buying from them.
3.Smoking increases the risk of a fire in your home. According to reports, approximately 23,000 residential fires result from smoking. Non-smoking homes get better rates than households with smokers. If you were a smoker at the time you purchased your policy, you're eligible for a review if you have quit. If your insurer refuses to lower your premiums after you have stopped, go to another insurance company.
4.A house that has shatter-proof windows will attract more affordable rates. Therefore, replace your old windows with these moreso if you reside in areas that are troubled by high winds and hail storms. You can as well discuss with your agent first before making the changes as he or she would be in a better position to advise you on how to save the most.
5.Ensure that you fully know the exclusions section of a homeowners insurance policy. Those are things that the policy does not give coverage for.
So before you settle for a cheap rate ensure the policy does not exclude something that might compromise you down the line. Any home insurance policy that places you at risk isn't truly worth the paper it's written on no matter how cheap it is. Before buying make sure you understand what isn't covered to avoid unpleasant suprises.
6. You will save a lot if you really have between 25-30 minutes. Visit, receive and compare California home insurance quotes from selected insurance quotes sites. The cheapest quote should be what you pick easily. However, you have to look beyond just the cheapest quote to the best price to value ratio. The lowest priced may not offer the best price/value for you as an individual.
Get Home Insurance Quotes Now And Save!
Get Free NO-Obligation Home Insurance Quotes And Save Much!
attic1 Home Improvement
How to convert a loft
attic1 Home Improvement
Image: a. Murray Construction
Remodeling your attic, you can earn some extra living square footage, you can use for a home office, bedroom, playroom for children, and even a bathroom. What was considered a storage space can now increase the comfort of your home and area.
Firstly it is necessary to consult a specialist to see if your attic is suitable for renovation. Is it structurally sound? Does the home electrical system, water lines and units of air conditioning can reconfigure the attic?
The second thing you must do is set a budget. Consider a realistic amount of go into this business, the money spent must be at least equal to the benefits you get from remodeling the attic.
Make a list of supplies you'll need, including price, comply with the budget.
attic2 Home Improvement
Image: apartment therapy
Watch the walls of your attic. Do they need editing? If yes, then think of drywall or paneling. Advantages and disadvantages: drywall - cheaper, but requires more work woodwork - more expensive than drywall, but easier to install.
What speech? Usually the floor is determined by object part. If you decide to use your old attic room or new games for children, the carpet is the best choice. For a home office or a hardwood floor guest room is perfect. Although more expensive, it is durable and will repay on time.
Furniture: choosing furniture for your newly renovated attic is not a big deal is like furnishing a room with the same goal on the lower levels. However, there is something you should consider - the roof. It comes in different shapes and tastes, so keep in mind.
attic3 Home Improvement
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Waterstudio1 green
Dutch Waterstudios Rise Along sea level
Waterstudio1 green
Here's a look at housing in the future. Do not run the risk of catastrophic damage as a change in sea level, just design housing that floats. Waterstudio designer Koen Olthius from Holland, where the management level of the sea for centuries thought of him. He came with a very innovative ideas. All swam residential complex.
Waterstudio4 green
His solution is prefabricated modules for the entire town of floating roads and 60 luxury apartments with parking. Units will be built on a small area, which makes the apartment complex to reach the density of 30 units per acre of water. Outside each apartment is a terrace garden and the complex will include greenhouses.
Waterstudio21 green
From within each apartment, there are views of the water. But it's not just looks. Cool water from the depths of the lake, which will be used to cool the interior temperature of the complex, which helps to save up to 25% more energy than conventional buildings on the land.
Waterstudio3 green
World's first floating apartment complex, stronghold, makes it possible to live on the water and use it for energy, as well.
Via Eco Friend
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Interior home design - living room
interior home design
Modern Luxury Sliding Shower Doors Glass Desigs

The Pictures of Home Interior design can be seen in this site. You can find the idea or inspiration on house or home design here.
The Sample Pictures of modern luxury Sliding Shower Doors Glass Remodeling Ideas are specially displayed for the high demand of Sliding Shower Doors Glass Designs recently. The designs are inspired by the latest ideas of shower sliding doors glass. The materials used are chosen from the high quality that will last long. Are you interested in one of the designs? if so, you must get the highly demanded product. Make sure that one the best designs displayed becomes your first choice and becomes the latest collection of bathroom interior decoration and furniture.

Home Design
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